Arras de Nuestra Virgen del Rocío, with satin bag, engraved tray or basket set with cushion, to choose from and Case.
The Arras de Nuestra Señora del Rocío are sent with its own Case of first quality, corporate garnet color and the brand serigraphed in gold letters, being its velvet interior of the same tone, its SIZE is 12*12cm, Arras in turn have a size of 20mm in unchangeable zink, with 2mm of thickness.
- The ARRAS of the Virgen del Rocío is an ideal gift for the bride and groom that they can transmit to future generations.
- Choose between Saten Bag, Custom Tray or Basket Set with Cushion
- Complete your Request for Tray Customization, in our section of "CONTACT" and in Message for us realízarla. Thank you very much.
- With Wedding Set made by our artisans. Basket and cushion for rings.
- These Arras de María are Limited Edition and are marketed exclusively incorporating the signature logo on the back.
- All components of the article are manufactured in Spain
- In the articles of Ceremonies no refunds are allowed.
- Sent prepared for gift. -
- The Virgen del Rocío, known as "Blanca Paloma" or "La Reina de las Marismas", is a Marian title that is venerated in the Sanctuary of El Rocío in Almonte (Huelva). The Rocío, as traditionally called the whole of the pilgrimage, has become a phenomenon nowadays in a religious and folkloric, but in any case socially important, that excites more than a million people on the days of celebration in the months of May or June.